Продукти за bortolli bio (4)

Капсули с коластра - Капсули и таблетки

Капсули с коластра - Капсули и таблетки

Colostrum, also known as pre-milk, is the very first milk given by mammals to newborns to give them the optimal nourishment in the first few days. Colostrum contents lots of biologically active molecules such as immunoglobulin G (IgG). The colostrum used in our capsules is exclusively obtained from controlled stocks of cows within the first 24 hours of giving birth of calves. A cow produces normally more colostrum than the calf needs. Only the surplus may be used for the production of Colostrum Capsules. Each capsule contains 400mg Colostrum Colostrum with at least 18% immunoglobulin G (IgG). Art. No.:819
Червен пипер на прах

Червен пипер на прах

Paprikapulver rot. Hergestellt aus getrocknetem Paprika ( capsicum annum ). In verschiedenen Mahlgraden erhältlich.
BronchoVITAL - БИО хранителен прах за кучета - DE-ÖKO-007

BronchoVITAL - БИО хранителен прах за кучета - DE-ÖKO-007

VULFI's Pulver BronchoVITAL enthält schleimlösende Heilpflanzen zur Unterstützung deines Hundes mit leichten Atemwegsproblemen und trockenem Husten. MultiKomplexFormel: 15 ausgewählte Kräuter bei leichten Problemen mit den Atemwegen mit Andorn, Anis und Lindenblüten alle Zutaten in BIO-Qualität 200 Gramm Inhalt
Босвелия Тамян 450мг

Босвелия Тамян 450мг

120 Kapseln